The Islamic Republic’s judiciary has sentenced three labor activists to a combined six years in prison.

Morteza Seydi, Mohammad Iran-Nejad, and Nasrollah Amirloo each received two-year sentences from Branch 2 of the Shahriar Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Bahram Panahi.

The court convicted the activists of “forming a group with the intent to disrupt security,” according to a report by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights.

The sentences were officially communicated on June 22, following a hearing on April 25, 2023.

Seydi, a Kurdish activist from Kamyaran, and Amirloo were initially arrested by security forces in Shahriar in Tehran Province on April 15, 2022, along with several other labor activists.

They were temporarily released on bail from Evin Prison in May 2022, pending the conclusion of their judicial proceedings.

Iran-Nejad’s case takes a different trajectory. He was imprisoned on June 26, 2022, to serve a sentence from a previous case.

Authorities released him from Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj on February 20, 2023.

Source » iranwire