Earlier, I wrote who or what killed the Iranian president. Reading a new piece today, I got a different idea that would answer many questions. The author sees “an internal plot orchestrated by factions within the regime.”

My take would be to ask two questions. Why did Iran not immediately blame Israel and the US as it usually does, calling for revenge? And why did it prefer to blame it on an act of G^d or itself?

To answer this, let’s think about the difference between his death being an unfortunate mishap or an enemy success. If Israel did it, that would mean:

1. Revenge. Iran often promised revenge against Israel as a reflex.

2. Honor to Israel. The junta was never shy to accuse Israel of ‘aggression’ when suddenly nuclear scientists died violently or nuclear labs exploded.

3. Honor to the dead. Here lies the crux. For Jew-haters, it’s an honor to be killed by Israel.

But apparently, this honor was to be avoided. He just died. ‘Very sadly.’ But he, his family, and his circle of influence should not imagine that they deserved such honor. His supporters should not dare to make a martyr out of him, and even less so a hero. And they should not dare to walk in his way if they don’t want also to die in another traffic ‘accident.’

Therefore, his death was an Iranian plot, a purge. That explains the quick ‘conclusion’ before the ‘investigation.’ Even if Israel had a hand in it, that should not leak because his death was a warning to those close to him.

Reportedly, he was only a yes man. Then, this political execution was either because he was getting ideas of his own because he stood in the way of a successor or because his followers wanted too much influence.

Being part of a bunch of murderers doesn’t mean the others won’t kill you.

Source » timesofisrael