Hossein Razzaq, a prominent Iranian political and media activist, was released from Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison on Monday after serving around 30 months behind bars.

Pictures emerged of the moment Razzaq walked free from the jail, published by fellow activist Mehdi Mahmoudian.

Razzaq had been incarcerated since August 2022 on charges of “assembly and collusion against national security” and “propaganda against the Islamic Republic.”

He was initially arrested in November 2021 as one of the founders of the “Freedom Square” room on the Clubhouse social app, which hosted political discussions.

Though briefly released on bail, he was re-arrested 10 months later.In September 2022, Razzaq was sentenced to 4 years and 3 months in prison by a revolutionary court over his online activities.

During his imprisonment in Evin’s Ward 209, which is controlled by the Intelligence Ministry, he revealed being assaulted by security forces.

Despite the harsh conditions, Razzaq continued analyzing Iranian society through detailed conversations with fellow political prisoners like Saeed Madani and Mostafa Tajzadeh in the wake of the “Woman, Life, Freedom” protest movement.

Source » iranintl