The Iranian Bureau of Prisons is set to construct 70 new prisons and penitentiaries across the country, according to a new report by data analysis group Iran Open Data.

The new facilities are projected to be operational by 2026, marking a significant expansion of the nation’s incarceration infrastructure.

The 2023 appropriations bill has at least twelve line items under the “Construction of Prisons” category.

More than 1.128 trillion Tomans (approximately $19.1 million) have been allocated for these projects.

The Fashafouyeh prison in southern Tehran is already operational.

However, the construction statuses of other planned facilities in Mashhad, Shiraz, Tabriz, Ahvaz, Kashan, Damghan, Semnan, Selmas, and Behbahan remain unknown.

The budget includes two general line items: “Construction of 59 Penitentiaries” and “Construction of 100 Temporary Detention Centers,” though further details are not provided.

According to one of the rare performance reports from a judiciary institution, 173 “closed prisons” have been decommissioned.

The report also states that the Bureau of Prisons currently manages six “open prisons,” 32 detention centers, 25 camps, and 29 reform centers.

Source » iranwire