The Council of the EU said it is broadening ‘restrictive measures’ against Iran to allow sanctions against persons and entities related not only to Tehran’s unmanned aerial vehicle (‘UAV’) programme, but also to its missile programmes as well.

‘The Council decided that the EU’s ability to impose restrictive measures will now cover not only UAVs, but missiles too,’ it said in a press release, 14 May. The sanctions, it explained, were broadened ‘in view of Iran’s military support of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.’

Iran has admitted to supplying UAVs to Russia, but has remained silent on whether they have been used against Ukraine.

EU rules currently prohibit the export of components used in the construction and production of UAVs from the EU to Iran and provides for travel restrictions and asset freeze measures against persons responsible for, supporting or involved in Iran’s drone programme.

According to the press release, ‘the EU will now be able to target persons and entities supplying, selling or otherwise being involved in transferring Iran’s missiles and UAVs: in support of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine; used by armed groups and entities to undermine peace and security in the Middle East and the Red Sea region; or in breach of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2216 (2015).’

Source » worldecr