The prosecutor of Khorramabad and numerous members of the so-called security forces invaded the poor district of Falak-e-din on Tuesday and destroyed houses that the impoverished people had built with their own means.
When the poor people refused to leave their houses and allow the regime to attack it, the militia began beating them viciously, even leaving several elderly people injured under the rubble. The young people of the district came to the defence of their neighbours, throwing stones at the forces and breaking the windows of their vehicles, but the repressive forces, the Special Units and Basij forces soon began firing air shots at them and beating those who came close.
These houses mostly belonged to people living under the poverty line who lost their homes during last year’s floods and had constructed makeshift houses to survive because they knew they would get no assistance from the regime.
Hundreds of repressive forces took part in this criminal operation, supported by helicopter cover and anti-riot trucks armed with water-canons
Khorramabad mayor Mohammad Sharifi Moghaddam, clearly fearing public anger over this attack, said: “Given the Coronavirus outbreak, and the focus of the offices and public services in trying to solve this crisis, some fixers tried to abuse the circumstances and had built [houses] without obtaining necessary permits…The municipality has only tried to impose the regulations and has not taken any action beyond the legal requirements.”
He should know, and will soon learn, that violently assaulting and removing the houses of vulnerable people during a pandemic is not looked on favourably by the Iranian people and that trying to blame them will not gain him any favour.
Maryam Rajavi, the President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), sent her condolences to the people of Falak-e-din and urged the local people to rush to the aid of those made homeless yet again by the regime, who are waging a campaign against the poor.
She wrote on Twitter: “In an inhumane and criminal measure amid the Coronavirus outbreak, agents of the clerical regime destroyed homes of the impoverished people dwelling in Khorramabad’s Falakeddin district. Hail to the youth of Khorramabad who stood up to the repressive agents. The residents of Falakeddin district are victims of the mullahs’ oppression and discrimination. Now, the homes they had greatly suffered to build have been demolished by the regime. I urge the valiant youths of Khorramabad to rush to their aid.”
Source » irannewsupdate