Netanyahu, who met President Donald Trump at the White House Wednesday, told host Sean Hannity that Tehran’s aggressive rhetoric toward Israel is meant to mask their intentions against the U.S.
“They want to have [intercontinental ballistic missiles] that can reach your country. That’s what they’re working on right now. Remember, you’re the Great Satan [to them],” Netanyahu said. “They believe that they’re destined to govern the world. Anybody that doesn’t agree with them, they’ll be able to subjugate or kill, and they’re working on the means to achieve that.”
Netanyahu again criticized the Iran nuclear deal, a key source of his frustration with the Obama administration.
“The deal essentially said this, it said no bomb today, 100 bombs tomorrow, in ten years,” he said. “Now the assumption was, people [would say] ‘Well, OK, we’re kicking the can down the road.’ But this nuclear can of a single bomb then becomes the capacity to make dozens and dozens of bombs. And Iran doesn’t change its attitude.”
“Since the signing of the deal,” Netanyahu said, “Iran has become more aggressive, more deadly, sponsoring more terrorism … with more money, a lot more money.
“They’ve killed Americans all over the place. They’ve sponsored terrorism against Americans all over the place. Now they’re going to build ICBMs that can reach the United States and have multiple warheads to do that? That’s horrible,” he added. “It’s dangerous for America, dangerous for Israel, dangerous for the Arabs. Everybody now understands it and there’s an American president who understands it and we’re talking about what to do about this common threat.”
Source: / foxnews /