UN human rights experts decried on Wednesday the confirmation of the death of Jamshid Sharmahd, a victim of arbitrary detention in Iran.

UN experts said, “The death of the 69-year-old after years of arbitrary detention is appalling, especially considering he was subjected to kidnapping, and violations of numerous fundamental rights including his right to a fair trial”. The body of journalist Jamshid Sharmahd was returned to Germany on February 7, 2025, according to Iran International. UN experts mentioned, “His death in custody and the delay in the dignified return of his body to the family violate their human rights”. The experts also urged Iran to “halt all judicial executions”.

Jamshid Sharmahd, an Iran-born and German-naturalized citizen, was a journalist and activist who was detained in 2020 without a warrant by Iranian authorities while he was in the United Arab Emirates. In 2023 Sharmahd was sentenced by the Iranian Supreme Court to “corruption on Earth” leading to his death sentence. In November 2024, Iranian authorities declared Sharmahd had died before his execution could proceed. Despite this, the confirmation of his death did not occur until recently.

In 2022, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention released an opinion on the detention of Jamshid Sharmahd. The opinion confirmed that Sharmahd’s detention was arbitrary. The Working Group said:

The circumstances that led to Mr. Sharmahd’s detention, namely being kidnapped, and illegally transferred from one State to another, outside the realm of any international or national legal procedure, can only lead to the conclusion that his detention is devoid of any legal basis.

As a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), Iran has an obligation to respect the human rights enshrined in this document. Article 6 protects the inherent right to life, abolishing the death penalty unless it is for the most serious crimes as provided by the law. Article 9 establishes no person shall be subjected to arbitrary detention and Article 14 ensures the right to a fair trial.

Iran has faced criticism over human rights concerns. At the UN 48th Session of the Universal Periodic Review, several members condemned Iran’s crackdown on freedoms and their use of the death penalty. Moreover, recently other individuals have been convicted to death for several crimes. In January, an Iranian singer was condemned to death for blasphemy. This poses a serious threat to human rights protection in Iran.

Source » jurist